Narrative Writing: First Draft from Quick Sketch Organizer

You have your organizer and you're ready to go! How do we get from a few quick sketches with some basic ideas to a narrative writing piece? Watch this video to see how you can stretch out your beginning ideas and turn them into a narrative story.

A few things to remember...

1- A first draft is just that, a first draft! We will revise and improve upon this.

2- Keep your story focused on the key events from your organizer. After each paragraph check back with your organizer to make sure you are focused.


  1. Stephanie, this is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with the rest of us! :)
    Theresa Westcott

    1. Thank you!! Be sure to hit "subscribe" at the top and type in your email so you can get updated posts!! Thanks for reading!!


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